Singing Guide: Richard Smallwood

Singing Guide: Richard Smallwood

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Richard Smallwood is an accomplished gospel singer, songwriter, arranger, and pianist, known for his soaring vocals, intricate harmonies, and striking arrangements. His music has touched the hearts of audiences around the world, and his unique blend of traditional gospel, contemporary jazz, and classical music has made him a beloved figure in the music industry.
If you want to learn how to sing like Richard Smallwood, you need to focus on developing your rich, warm tone and expressive vibrato. Richard's vocal technique relies on impeccable breath control, precise diction, and a deep understanding of gospel phrasing and dynamics.
To start, it's essential to develop a strong breath support system, so you can sustain long, powerful notes without straining your voice. Singing Carrots' breath support article is a great resource to help you achieve that.
The use of vibrato is one of the hallmarks of Richard Smallwood's singing style. Singing Carrots' singing with vibrato article provides detailed advice on how to produce a natural, relaxed, and full-bodied vibrato.
Another fundamental aspect of Richard Smallwood's vocal style is his emphasis on projecting emotion through his singing. Singing Carrots' tips for performing on stage article offers insights on how to connect with your audience, convey emotion, and perform confidently.
To master Smallwood's expressive phrasing and dynamics, Singing Carrots' articulation guide can help you develop precise diction, clearer pronunciation, and more fluid phrasing.
If you want to get a sense of Smallwood's vocal range and technique, take our vocal range test, which compares your range to famous singers, including Smallwood. Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test allows you to assess your pitch accuracy, which is another essential aspect of gospel singing.
Another great resource is Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor, which provides a visual representation of your sung notes on a piano. You can use this tool to improve your pitch accuracy and develop a better sense of your vocal range.
When it comes to Smallwood's repertoire, some of his most iconic songs are "Total Praise," "Morning Medley," and "I Love The Lord." You can use Singing Carrots' song search feature to find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
For those who want to deepen their understanding of gospel singing and its history, Singing Carrots' educational singing course covers everything from solfege and vocal anatomy to music theory and performance techniques.
For more specific exercises to practice particular aspects of gospel singing, we recommend Singing Carrots' Twang, Growling, and Belting article and videos, which showcase techniques and offer step-by-step exercises on how to master them.
In summary, to sing like Richard Smallwood, you need to work on your breath control, vibrato, phrasing, and emotion. By using the Singing Carrots resources above, you'll be well on your way to mastering Smallwood's gospel singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.